heeby repealed and that said sections from 40 to 54, both
inclusive, of said article, to be re-enaeted with amendments,
New sections
and that nine new sections, to come in after seotion 54 and to
fee known as sections 54A, 54B, 54C, 54D, 54E, 54 F, 54 G.
54 H and 54 I, to he added to said article, so as to make the
said sub-title "Hamstead" of said article, read as follows:
A body cor-
SEC. 40. The inhabitants of the town of Hamstead in Car-
roll county, are a body corporate by the name of "The Mayor
and Council of Hamstead," and by that name shall have
perpetual succession; may sue and be sued; may purchase, hold,
lease, sell and dispose of real, personal and mixed property for
the use and benefit of said town; and may have and use a
common seal, which may be broken or altered at pleasure.
SEC. 41. The limits of said town shall be as follows: Begin-
ning at the corner on the northwest side of Baltimore and
' Hanover turnpike, where the Baltimore and Harrisburg Rail-
road crosses said turnpike at the north end of the said town of
Hamstead, and running with said railroad southward to a
point south of the Houcksville road opposite the lane running
eastward from the said turnpike on the line of the properties
of Charles Richards and Howard Kemp, and thence eastward
to the centre of the said Baltimore and Hanover turnpike,
thence along said lane three hundred feet from the centre of
said turnpike, thence northward parallel with the said turn-
pike to said Baltimore and Harrisburg Railroad, thence south-
westward along said railroad to the place of beginning.
of voters.
SEC. 42. All persons who have resided within the corporate
limits of said town for six months next preceding the election,
and who are qualified to vote for delegates for the General
Assembly, shall be qualified voters of the corporation, and
entitled to vote at any corporation election held under the pro-
visions of this sub-title or any ordinance made in pursuance
To elect
thereof; and said voters shall elect by ballot, on the first
Monday of May in every year, at such place as shall be
designated by the Mayor and Council, between two o'clock in
the afternoon and six o'clock in the evening, one person, at
least twenty-five years of age, who is the owner of real estate
or leasehold property within the corporate limits of said town,
and who has resided in said town at least two years next pre-
ceding said election, mayor of said town; and six persons,
each of whom shall be at least twenty-one years of age, and
shall have resided in said town at least one year next pre-