ceding said election, and be the owner of real estate or lease-
hold property within the corporate limits of said town,
members of the council.
SEC. 43. The mayor shall give at least two weeks' notice of
the election by hand-bills posted in not less than five public
places in said town, and shall appoint three persons who are
qualified at such election judges of election, and the said
judges sha|l appoint a clerk, who shall record the names of the
Notice of
persons voting as they vote; and each of said judges, before
holding any elections, shall swear or affirm before a justice of
the peace of said Carroll county, that he will fairly and im-
partially discharge the duty of judge of such election; and
immediate y after the close of the election said judges shall, in
the presence of such persons as may desire to witness the same,
count the ballots; and the persons having the highest number
of votes for the several offices of mayor and members of the
council, shall be declared duly elected, and said judges shall
then and there make and sign a certificate of the result of said
election, showing the number of votes cast for each person
voted for, and shall deliver said certificate to the clerk of said
town, who shall notify to the persons elected their election, and
the persons so elected shall severally hold their respective
offices from the third Monday of May next ensuing their
election, for and during one year, and until their successors
shall be duly elected and qualified.
Judges of
SEC. 44 If notice of such election shall not be given as
hereinbefore required, or if the judges of election shall not
be appointed or shall refuse to act, five or more voters of said
town may call an election for said offices by notices set up in
the most public places in said town, not less than one week
previous to such election therein, naming the time and place
of holding such election, and naming three judges thereof,
who, or any two of whom, may hold such election.
When voters
may call an
SEC. 45. If at any election there shall be a tie between any
two perspons voted for, for the said offices, or if any person
elected as a member of the council shall die, resign, remove
from the town, be disqualified or refuse to act, a new election
shall be held in two weeks after such fact shall have become
known, after at least one week's notice given by the mayor, or
one or more of the council, or five or more of the voters, as
directed fn the preceding section, and such election shall be
held by three judges or any two of them, appointed by the
mayor, or one or more of the council, or five or more of the
Tie vote.