AN ACT to authorize and direct the County Commissioners
of Talbot County and the Commissioners of the towns of
Easton and Trappe and other municipalities in Talbot
County to aid in the construction of the Queen Anne's
Railway Company, by exemption from taxation for the
period of twenty years, the capital stock, bonds, franchises
and property of the said railroad company, and to amend
the charter of said company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That whereas, the Queen Anne's Railroad Com-
pany has been incorporated for the purpose of constructing a
railroad through certain localities named in its charter in
Queen Anne's and Caroline counties; said railroad company is
hereby further authorized to construct its railroad from Wye
Mills in Queen Anne's via Easton to Trappe in Talbot county;
and said company is further authorized and empowered to use
such motive power in the operation of its railway as may be
determined to be most economical and advantageous for said
company; and the County Commissioners of Talbot county,
and the commissioners of the towns of Easton and Trappe,
and the commissioners of any other town and city of said
county, now or hereafter to be incorporated, are authorized
and empowered and directed by ordinance or order to be passed
by said County Commissioners or town commissioners at a
Exempt from
regular meeting, to exempt from all county and municipal taxa-
tion, for the period of twenty years from the date of the
passage of this act, all the stocks, bonds, property and fran-
chises of the said Queen Anne's Railroad Company; and said
Queen Anne's Railway Company shall have full power and
authority to condemn all lands and property necessary for the
proper use and purposes of said company, according to the
law applicable to the condemnation of property by like cor-
porations in this State; provided, however, that this act shall
be absolutely null and void, unless said railroad shall be built
and cars running thereon within five years from the date of the
passage of this act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.