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Session Laws, 1894 Session
Volume 480, Page 339   View pdf image (33K)
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trustee, administrator, executor, assignee, guardian of any
minors or committee of a lunatic, it shall and may be lawful
for such court, if it shall think fit, to appoint the American
Banking and Trust Company of Baltimore City, with their
assent, such receiver, trustee, administrator, assignee, guardian
or committee; and the accounts of said company as such
receiver, trustee, administrator, executor, assignee, guardian or
committee, shall be regularly settled and adjusted before the
tribunal; and upon such settlement and adjustment, all proper
legal and customary chaiges, costs and expenses shall be
allowed to said company for their care and management of the
trusts and estates aforesaid; and the said company, as such
receiver, trustee, administrator, executor, assignee, guardian or
committee, shall be subject to all orders or decrees made by
the proper tribunal under the laws of this State.

SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That when any court shall


appoint the said company as receiver, trustee, administrator,
executor, assignee, guardian or committee, or shall order the
deposit of money or other valuables of any kind with said
company, the capital stock as paid in shall be taken and
considered as the security required by law for the faithful
performances of their duties, provided the said court shall
not deem it necessary to require further security, and shall be
absolutely liable in case of any default whatever. The court,
if it deem necessary, may, from time to time, appoint suitable
persons to investigate the affairs and management of said com-
pany, who shall report to such court the manner in which such
investments are made and the security afforded to those by or
from whom its engagements are held, and the expenses of such
investigations shall be defrayed by said company; or the court
may, if deemed necessary, examine the officers of said com-
pany, under oath or affirmation, as to the security aforesaid.

Liability for
faithful per-
formance of

SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That any executor, adminis-
trator, guardian or other trustee, or public officer having the
control of any bonds, stock, securities, moneys or other valu-
ables belonging to others, shall be and is hereby authorized to
deposit the same for safe-keeping with said company.

Deposits by

SEC. 14. And Be it enacted, That the said corporation is
authorized to take, have, hold and enjoy all such estates, real,
personal and mixed, as may be obtained by the investment of
their capital stock, and all other moneys or funds that may
come into their possession in the course of their dealings and
business, and the same to sell, grant, mortgage, lease and dis-


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Session Laws, 1894 Session
Volume 480, Page 339   View pdf image (33K)
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