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Session Laws, 1894 Session
Volume 480, Page 340   View pdf image (33K)
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pose of at pleasure, and to execute, acknowledge and deliver
all deeds and other instruments of writing concerning the
same; provided, however, that the said real estate so to be held
by them shall be only that occupied as their office and place of
business, not exceeding in value two hundred thousand dollars,
and such as may come into their possession in satisfaction of
any debt due to them upon mortgage, decree or judgment.

SEC. 15. And ~be it enacted, That the president, vice-presi-

May pass

dent and directors of the corporation hereby created shall have
power to enact and adopt such rules, regulations and by-laws
for the government and management of the affairs of said
corporations as they may deem advantageous to the interests
thereof, provided the same be not contrary to the law of the

or repeal.

SEC.16. And be it enacted, That the General Assembly
reserves the right to repeal, alter or amend this act at its


SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.

Approved April 6th, 1894.


AN ACT to authorize and .direct the County Commissioners
of Caroline County and the Commissioners of the Town of
Denton and Hillsborough to aid in the construction of the
Queen Anne's Railroad Company, by exempting from taxa-
tion for the period of twenty years the capital stock, bonds,
franchises and property of the said railroad company.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of

Exempt Iron

, Maryland, That whereas, the Queen Anne's Railroad Com-
pany, a corporation incorporated under the general laws of this
State, of which John B. Brown, William W. Busteed, B.
Palmer Keating, Isaac Foxwell and Hugh L. Pope are the
corporators named in the articles of corporation heretofore
filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State, has
been incorporated for the purpose of constructing a railroad in
said county according to the route laid down in said articles
of incorporation, and it is recognized to be for the advantage

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Session Laws, 1894 Session
Volume 480, Page 340   View pdf image (33K)
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