SEC. 33. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall have power to grant unto the Washington and Chesapeake
Railway Company, the right to establish or cause to be estab-
lished such reservoirs, dams, tanks and other means of storing
water as may be necessary to supply said town with water, and
to authorize the laying of such mains, pipes or other conduits
as may be required in constructing the same, and regulate the
charge for the same.
SEC. 34. And lie it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall have power to grant unto the Washington and Chesa-
peake Railway Company, the right to establish or cause to be
established, electric lights within the said town of Chesapeake
Beach, for the purpose of lighting the streets and parks
thereof, and for the supply of lights to individual property
owners, and to fix rates therefor; and the said commissioners
the authorized to pass such ordinances as may be necessary for
are maintenance and conduct of such street lights.
SEC. 35. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall have power to grant to the Washington and Chesapeake
Beach Railway Company the right to construct, or cause to be
constructed, such bathing houses along the bay shore within
said town, as the said company may find necessary for the
accommodation of the public, and to fix the charges and regu-
lations governing the same.
Piers, docks,
wharves, etc.
SEC. 36. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall have full power to grant unto the said Washington and
Chesapeake Beach Railway Company the right to construct, or
cause to be constructed, such piers, docks, wharves, break-
waters, dykes and other improvements as it may from time to
time deem necessary or convenient for the accommodation of
the public for amusement or business purposes, and to fix such
charges and regulations as said company may deem proper.
SEC. 37. And be it enacted, That no person shall sell,
offer for sale, or keep for sale, within said town of Chesapeake
Beach, any intoxicating liquors, beer or cider, except as here-
inafter provided. The said commissioners shall, on the first
day of May, each year, cause to be issued to the Chesapeake
Beach Hotel Company as many licenses as the said company
may require, and for such purposes shall certify to the clerk of
the Circuit Court of Calvert county the number of licenses
required, with the name of said company, and stating the
location for which each license is desired. The clerk of said