court shall thereupon issue to said Chesapeake Beach Hotel
Company the number of licenses designated, upon the pay-
ment of the sum of two hundred and forty (240) dollars
from each and every annual license; and all such licenses
shall expire upon the first day of the following May.
Licenses shall be granted for a fractional part of any
year, beginning with the date of application and ending
on the first day of the following May. For each frac-
tional part of a year the fee of twenty (20) dollars per
month shall be paid, beginning with the month in which
the application for such license shall be made. The whole
of the money received by the clerk of said Circuit Court
for the licenses aforesaid, shall be paid over quarterly by said
clerk to the State, as other license moneys are paid, as now
provided by law, and when so paid over, the Comptroller of
the Treasury shall draw his warrant upon the Treasurer in favor
of the president of said Board of Commissioners of Chesa-
Cost of
peake Beach for two-thirds thereof, to be applied to the gen-
eral use of the said town of Chesapeake Beach. That any
person or persons or corporation who shall violate any pro-
visions of this act, and shall be convicted thereof, shall be
subjected to a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor
more than six hundred dollars, and if a second conviction
shall be found, such person or persons, or corporation, shall be
subjected to a fine of not less than five hundred dollars nor
more than one thousand dollars. All licenses herein provided
for shall be revoked by the said commissioners, if minors are
permitted to frequent or loiter about the places so licensed, or
disreputable or disorderly persons are permitted to make the
same, places of customary visitation or resort, upon proof
being established. No license to be issued for sale of intoxi-
cating liquors, beer or cider, until after the building and
completion of the Washington and Chesapeake Beach Railway.
SEC. 38. And be it enacted, That the fee in all the streets,
alleys, lanes, parks and public grounds in said town of Chesa-
peake Beach, or the portion thereol which is at the date of
this act, the property of the Washington and Chesapeake
Beach Railway Company, shall be and remain in said com-
pany, subject, however, at all times, for the municipal and
police purposes, to the control of the Commissioners of
Chesapeake Beach, who may establish, maintain, alter and
repair such improvements thereof and thereon, as may, from
time to time, be necessary, and as herein provided.
Fee in streets,
alleys, etc.