SEC. 28. And Be it enacted, That the said commissioners
may erect or establish a jail, houses of correction, hospitals,,
or pest houses outside of said town, and pass ordinances
regulating and governing the same, and may acquire property
necessary for said purposes.
Jail, hospital,
SEC. 29. And Be it enacted, That the said commissioners
may grant to the Washington and Chesapeake Beach Rail-'
way Company, the right to construct or cause to be con-
structed, street railways, along any street or streets in said
town of Chesapeake Beach, and to make and pass such
ordinances as may be necessary, governing the construction of
such street railway tracks, and the running of cars thereon by
electricity or other power; and may permit and direct such
alteration in the grade of any street as may be necessary for
the more convenient and useful construction of such railways,
and the proper conduct of the same, in so far as the same may
relate to the public, and shall fix the fare for a single trip in
any one direction, not to exceed five cents per person.
Street rail-
SEC. 30. And Be it enacted, That the said commissioners
may grant to the Washington and Chesapeake Beach Railway
Company the right to construct or cause to be constructed, a
driving park and race track, and may enact such ordinances as
may be necessary for the proper conduct of the same within
the said town of Chesapeake Beach.
Driving park.
SEC. 31. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall have full power and authority to establish in said town of
Chesapeake Beach such free school or schools as may be found
necessary, and may pass such ordinances as may be required
for the proper conduct thereof.
SEC. 32. And Be it enacted, That the said commissioners
Free schools.
shall have full power to construct and keep in repair all neces-
sary drains and sewers, and to pass such regulations as may be
necessary for the preservation of the same; and may authorize
any person appointed by them to enter upon the lots, grounds
and possessions of any person or body politic through which
said sewers or drains may pass, or ought to pass, and regulate,
make or repair the same; and may pass such ordinances as
they may deem proper for the protection of the same; and fix
penalties for the violation thereof. The cost of constructing,
opening, enlarging or straightening any sewer in any street or
alley, or through any private property, shall be chargeable to
the property adjacent thereto.
Drains and