impartially value the damages the owner will sustain by the
use or occupation of the property for the uses hereinbefore
mentioned. That the jury, in estimating the damages, shall
take into consideration the benefits resulting to the owner from
the opening and laying out of said streets and alleys, through,
along or near to the property of said owner; and the jury
shall reduce their inquisition to writing, and shall sign and seal
the same, and it shall then be returned by the sheriff to the
clerk of the Circuit Court for Calvert county, and shall be
confirmed by the said court at its next session, if no sufficient
cause to the contrary be shown, and when confirmed, shall be
recorded by said clerk at the expense of the said commissioners ;
and if said inquisition shall be set aside by the Circuit Court
of Calvert county, the said court may direct another to be
taken in the same manner as the first. That every inquisition
shall describe the property taken, or the bounds of the land con-
demned, and the quantity or duration of the interest of the same
therein valued, and such valuation, when paid or tendered to the
owner or owners of the property taken, his legal representa-
tives, shall entitle the said commissioners to the estate, use and
interest in the same so valued for the purposes aforesaid, as
fully as if the same had been conveyed by the owner or his
legal representatives.
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall have the power to pass ordinances regulating the limits
within which it shall be lawful to erect steps, porticoes, bow
windows or other architectural ornaments to houses fronting
on any part of streets of said town; to regulate party walls
and partition fences; to direct in what part of said town
buildings of wood may not be erected; to regulate the manner
in which public halls, churches, school houses or places of
amusement shall be constructed, and to fix the penalty for
violation thereof.
Steps, porti-
coes, etc.
SEC. 22. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall have the power to license and regulate all hackney
coaches, carriages, carts, drays, omnibusses, wagons and other
vehicles kept for hire or hired in said town, and to license and
regulate the employment of all hackmen, draymen, wagoners,
carters, porters, boatmen and watermen plying for hire within
the limits of said town; and to pass all necessary and proper
regulations respecting the same and to fix the price of com-
pensation for hackney carriages, and to fix the penalties for
the violation of such regulations; to regulate the location and