sales, and by a good and sufficient deed or conveyance, to grant
such property, real or personal, as may be by law sold, to the
purchaser or purchasers thereof. The commissioners shall
require the tax collector to give a bond with two sureties, in a
sum to be fixed and approved by them; and all taxes when
collected, shall be paid over to the treasurer of the board
within one week of the date of such collection.
limits and
widtn of
SEC. 19. And Be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall have the power to establish the limits and width of the
streets of said town, and to improve the same and remove
obstructions therefrom, and may open new streets, lanes and
alleys; provided, however, that all streets and alleys to be here-
after laid out or opened by said commissioners shall conform to
the plan, direction, width and grade of the streets and alleys as
now established by the Washington and Chesapeake Beach
Railway Company on its property; that the said commissioners
shall have the power to provide for the payment of damages
and expenses of opening, widening, and laying out, grading,
improving and keeping in good condition the streets, lanes,
alleys and sidewalks in said town; and for the purpose may
levy and assess the property adjoining such improvements and
damages; provided, that the property owners may appeal from
their decision in like manner as other similar appeals are taken
to the Circuit Court of Calvert county.
Power of con-
SEC. 20. And Be it enacted, That if in opening or laying
out any new street or alley, the said commissioners cannot
agree with the owner or owners of any land or property
wanted for the purpose, for the purchase, use or occupation of
the same, or if the owner is a feme covert, under age or non
compos mentis, or out of Calvert county, application may be
made to any justice of the peace for said county, who shall
thereupon issue his warrant under his hand and seal, directed
to the sheriff of said county, requiring him to summon a jury
of twenty inhabitants of said county, of legal age, not related
to the parties or in anywise interested, and from such panel
of twenty jurors, each party or his agent, or if either be not
present in person or by agent, the sheriff for him may strike
off four jurors, and the remaining twelve shall act as a jury
of inquest of damages, to meet on the land or near the
property to be valued, on a day to be named in the warrant,
not less than ten or more than twenty days after the issuing of
the same; that the sheriff shall, before the jury shall proceed
to act, administer an oath to each that he will justly and