for Worcester county, ninety-eight cents; Levin J. Gale,
Register of Wills for Wicomico county, three dollars and fifty-
six cents; and John W. Fletcher, Register of Wills for Dor-
chester county, one dollar and seventeen cents, the refunding
of said amounts having been recommended by the Treasury
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved February 9th, 1894.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact Sections one and three of
Article 76 of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled
"Publication of Laws," with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That sections one and three of article 76 of : the
Code of Public General Lawe of Maryland be repealed and
re-enacted so as to read as follows :
Laws to be .
SEC. 1. Every Public General Law which is made to take
effect before the first, day of June next after the session at
which it shall be passed, which the Governor and Attorney
General shall direct, shall, immediately after its passage, be
published at the expense of the State, daily for one week in
three daily newspapers of the city of Baltimore, one of which
shall be in the German language, and one of which shall be a
law paper, and such newspaper or newspapers in each county
as the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House
of Delegates may jointly designate.
SEC. 3. The Treasurer, upon the warrant of the Comptroller,
shall pay to the publishers of the newspapers in which the
Public General Laws shall have been published in conformity
with the provisions aforesaid, the compensation to which they
may be, respectively, entitled for publishing said General
Laws; the said warrant shall be issued within six months from
the time of publications aforesaid; provided, however, that not
more than six hundred dollars shall be paid for the publication
of said laws in any one county, and not more than six hundred