SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the corporate limits of said
town shall he as follows : Beginning at the intersection of
the two roacis at the entrance of "Wildwood Park," thence in
a straight line to the southeastern line of the land purchased
by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company from Robert
Sellman, following the said line to Watersville Road, thence
west to the Westminister Road, following said road north to
the northern line gf the land purchased by the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad Company from Albert Jones, thence in a
straight lino to the spring on the land of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad Company, thence in a straight line to the north-
western corner of the land of B. L. Jackson, following the
said line to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad bed, thence in
a straight line to the southwestern corner of the land pur-
chased by E. E. Dayhoff from Dr. B. H. Todd, thence in a
straight line to the nearest point on the Parrville Road,
following said road north to the place of beginning.
Mayor to be
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all persons who have re-
sided within the corporate limits of said town for six months
preceding the election, and who are qualified to vote for dele-
gates to the General Assembly of Maryland, shall elect by
ballot, on the first Monday in May, eighteen hundred and
ninety-four, and thereafter, biennially, one person, at least
twenty-five years of age, who is owner of real estate or lease-
hold property within the corporate limits of said town, and
who has resided in said town at least two years previous to
Six council-
men to be
said election, mayor of said town; and six persons, each of
whom shall be at least twenty-one years of age, and shall have
resided in said town at least one year previous to said election,
and be owners of real estate or leasehold property within the
limits of said town, members of the council.
President of
the council.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the six members of the
council shall, at their first meeting after an election, elect one
of their number to be president of the council, who shall also
be mayor pro tem in the absence of the mayor.
Clerk to be
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That they shall biennially appoint
a clerk, who shall keep the minutes of their proceedings in a
well-bound book, which shall be open to the inspection of all
persons interested therein, and shall perform such other duties
as the council shall assign him.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That they shall biennially, on
or before the first Monday in April, appoint three judges of