copy of the State Constitution, one copy each of the Acts of
Assembly of eighteen hundred and ninety and eighteen hun-
dred and ninety two, and one copy of Hinkley's Testamentary
Laws, as fully as he is able so to do, out of the surplus copies
of the same now in the library. And to the register of wills
of said county, for the use of the Orphans' Court, one copy of
Poe's Code, and one copy of Hinkley's Testamentary Laws.
And that the State Librarian be and is hereby instructed to
furnish for Worcester county for like purposes and same
reasons, such books as are hereinbefore mentioned for Charles
No. 9.
Joint resolution requesting the Governor to have legal steps
taken to enforce the provisions of law requiring banks of
deposit to make annual publication of all unclaimed balances
which have remained on deposit with them for three years
or over
WHEREAS, Section 5 of article 11 of the Code of Public
General Laws, requires all banks of deposit in the State off
Maryland to publish an annual statement of all unclaimed
balances remaining on deposit with them for three years or
over; and
WHEREAS, Since the formation of National Banks in this
State, the said banks have not only neglected to make such
publication, but have refused to do so, claiming that as
National Banks the State has no supervisory rights in rela-
tion thereto; and
WHEREAS, It is believed, that in the National Banks of
Maryland, that the aggregation of such unclaimed balances,
on account of intestates and others, amounts to large sums;
WHEREAS, It is eminently proper that heirs and others
should be, by such publication, informed of moneys there
belonging to and due them; therefore,
Se it resolved by the General Assembly, Maryland, That
the Governor be and he is hereby requested to direct the
Attorney General, or in his discretion, one of the State's
Attorneys, to test the law in this behalf, by proceeding as
General to
test law.