steamer "Chesapeake," of the Virginia Oyster Police Force,
in plain sight and hearing of the town of Crisfield, (more than
a hundred of whose inhabitants are reported to have heard the
sounds and seen the flash of the cannon and rifles,) engaged in
a conflict with certain Maryland dredgers; the said conflict
beginning within the territory of Maryland, about one mile
from the boundary, and continuing until said steamer was
within the said territory, at least from four to five miles; and
that two of said vessels, the schooner William E. Price, belong-
ing to Benjamin F. Marsh, and the schooner G. W. Stephen-
son, belonging to Edward Lowe, having run ashore on the east
side of Smith's Island, in Tangier sound, were taken, with
their crews and cargo, by said steamer "Chesapeake," and
towed out of the State of Maryland, to Pungoteage creek, in
Virginia, where they now are; and
WHEREAS, The said act was an invasion and violation of the
territory of Maryland, by the officer of the State of Virginia,
which cannot be passed by without notice and reparation, and
is deserving of our prompt condemnation; and
WHEREAS, It has been represented to this General Assembly
that the General Assembly of Virginia desires further arrange-
ments to be made with the State of Maryland covering cases
where pursuit may be necessary into a sister State, in cases of
alleged or suspected violations of law, to which arrangement
this General Assembly is not adverse; provided, the State of
Virginia is willing to do full and complete justice in regard to
all the matters in dispute between the two States, in reference
to the use of the waters along the southern boundary line of
this State; therefore,
Be it resolved, That a committee of five, consisting of two
members of the Senate and three of the House, be appointed
by the presiding officers of the two Houses, respectively, who
shall, in conjunction with the Governor of this State, call the
attention of the Governor and Legislature of Virginia to this
violation of our territory, and demand immediate and appro-
priate redress and restitution, and which said committee shall
also be authorized, if it shall see proper, to visit Richmond or
any other point that may be desired for the purpose of making
such additional regulations regarding the use of these waters
as may be thought proper, and that a copy of this joint resolu-
tion be communicated to the Legislature of Virginia.
to demand