the Senate of the United States, as it is of the first importance
to the country that the Senate pass at once such a tariff reform
bill as is referred to in these joint resolutions, in order that the
unrest and uncertainty which exists in the country to-day as to
the question of tariff reform may be speedily settled.
Copy of resc
And be it further resolved, That the Governor be and he
is hereby requested to send, under the great seal of the State,
a copy of this resolution to the Senators in Congress from the
State of Maryland, at an early date as possible.
No. 5.
Joint resolution extending an invitation to the Trustees of the
International Societies of Christian Endeavor to hold their
convention in Baltimore City, in July, 1896.
WHEREAS, There is now in progress a movement on the part
of the United Societies of Christian Endeavor of Baltimore
City and the State of Maryland, to secure the meeting in Bal-
timore of the international convention of the above-named
society, to be held in July, 1896; therefore,
Invitation to
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
an invitation on the part of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, be and the same is hereby extended to "The Trustees of
the International Societies of Christian Endeavor," inviting
them to hold their convention, contemplated to be held in
July, 1896, in the city of Baltimore; and
Copy of invi-
Be it further resolved, That the Governor be and he is
hereby requested to join in this invitation, and to cause a copy
hereof to be forwarded to Francis A. White, Esquire, of Balti-
more city, for transmission to the said trustees.
No. 6.
Joint resolution of the General Assembly of Maryland in
relation to the capture of two Maryland vessels, by the
Virginia Oyster Police Force, within the State of Maryland,
on the 19th day of February, 1894.
WHEREAS, The General Assembly of Maryland is credibly
informed, that on the 19th day of February, A. D. 1894, the