No. 3.
Joint resolution authorizing the destruction of certain old stubs
and other old and useless papers in the Treasurer's Office,
and the transfer to the Land Office of certain other old doc-
uments found amongst the mass of worthless papers in the
loft of the Treasurer's Office.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Treasurer and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized
and directed to destroy the old stubs of checks and stubs of
State securities which have been paid, extinguished and the
securities thereby destroyed, and other useless papers, the
accumulation of many years, the preservation of which is now
wholly inconvenient, troublesome and unnecessary; and to
transfer to the Land office certain documents recently brought
to light in repairing the treasury building, and which may be
of interest or value or evidence of title to or interest in lands
within the State.
No. 4.
Treasurer to
(iestroy old
WHEREAS, It is, in the judgment of this body, vitally impor-
tant to the people of this State, that the existing tariff laws of
the United States should be revised and amended at the present
session of Congress; and
WHEREAS, It is the duty of the Democratic members of the
Senate of the United States to speedily pass a tariff reform bill
in strict compliance with the pledges of the Democratic party
in its platform adopted at Chicago; therefore,
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That this
body, having full confidence in the Senators representing this
State in Congress, requests that they will use their best efforts
to obtain, as speedily as possible, the passage of the Wilson
bill, with such amendments, if any, as may be deemed right
and proper, the same to be in keeping with the pledges of the
Democratic party, as set forth in the Chicago platform.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That this
Passage of
Wilson bill.
body approves of the prompt action of the House of Repre-
sentatives of the United States in the direction of tariff reform,
and request that the Senators of Maryland in the Senate of the
United States, will aid in similar prompt action on the part of
Action of