No. 2.
Joint resolutions requesting and urging the Senators and Rep-
resentatives in the Congress of the United States, from the
State of Maryland, to use their best efforts and endeavors to
defeat the passage of a bill now pending in Congress, known
as "House bill No. 2001," entitled "A bill to repeal certain
laws relating to permanent and indefinite appropriations,"
introduced in the House of Representatives by Mr. Sayers,
of Texas, so far as the same repeals the laws making appro-
priations for the support of agricultural experimental stations
and in aid of agricultural colleges.
WHEREAS, There is now pending in the Congress of the
United States, a bill known as "House bill No. 2001," which
has for its object in part the repeal of the laws making appro-
priations for the support of agricultural experimental stations
and in aid of agricultural colleges; and
WHEREAS, The withdrawal of said appropriations will
work great injury to agriculture and agricultural education ;
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Senators and Representatives from Maryland in the Con-
gress of the United States be and they are hereby requested to
use their beet efforts and endeavors to defeat the passage of
said bill, so far as the same applies to agricultural experiment
stations and agricultural education; and
Copy of reso-
Be it further resolved, That the Governor be and he is
hereby directed to forward, under the great seal of the State
of Maryland, a copy of these resolutions to each of the Sena-
tors and Representatives of Maryland, in the Congress of the
United States, at as early a day as possible.