cession, and be capable in law to hold and dispose of property ;
to sue and be sued in courts of law, eauity and any other
place; to receive and make all checks, transfers, contracts and
conveyances whatsoever; to have and use a common seal, and
the same to change, alter and renew at pleasure; and generally
to do every other act or thing necessary to carry into effect the
provisions of this act or to promote the object or designs of
said corporation.
Capital stock
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of the
said corporation, intended to be created by this act, shall be
fifty thousand dollars, in shares of twenty-five dollars each,
fully paid up; and privilege is hereby given to said corporation
to increase the capital stock to one hundred and fifty thousand
dollars whenever it shall be determined by the board of direc-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the affairs of the said
corporation shall be managed by fifteen directors, who are to
be elected annually in the month of January by the stock-
holders, and that the first directors of said corporation shall be
the persons named in the first section of this act, and who shall,
within thirty days from the date of this act and annually
thereafter, elect from their number a president, vice-president,
secretary and treasurer, and such other officers as they may see
fit; a majority of said directors shall form a treasure and be
fully authorized for the transactions of any business; and said
board of directors shall have full power from time to time to
make such by-laws, rules and regulations as in their judgment
they may deem necessary for the welfare of said corporation;
they shall also fix the amount of bond to be given by the
officers for the faithful discharge of their respective duties,
and to regulate their salaries to be paid them.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That said corporation shall
May borrow
and lend
money, etc.
have power to borrow money, receive money on deposit, to
loan money, or to discount in accordance with bank usage,
taking such security therefor, either real or personal, as the
board of directors of said bank may deem sufficient; may buy
and sell bills of exchange, notes, bonds or other securities; may
accept and hold all such trusts as shall or may be committed to
it by any person, or by the order or direction of any judge or
court or tribunal; may make such special regulation in refer-
ence to trust funds and special or other deposits as the board of
directors may think it advisable; may purchase and hold such
real and personal estate and property as may be necessary for