the accommodation and the transaction of its business; may
issue letters of credit and other commercial obligations, and
generally may do and transact a general banking ——; provided,
that no part of the funds of said corporation shall be loaned
to an officer or director thereof; said corporation shall be sub-
ject at all times to the provisions of the act of 1892, chapter
109, or any amendment or supplements thereto.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That at all election of directors
every stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for every share
held, and the stockholders may either vote in person or by
proxy; but no share of stock shall entitle any holder to a vote
which shall not have been holden two calender months pre-
vious to the day of election.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That whenever any deposit shall
Votes of
be made by any minor, the directors of said corporation may,
at their discretion, although no guardian shall have been ap-
pointed for said minor, or the guardian of such minor shall
not authorize the drawing of the same, pay the amount of
such deposit, and the check, receipt or acquittance of such
minor shall be as valid and effective as if executed by such
guardian, or said minor was of legal age, provided such de-
posit was made personally by said minor; and whenever any
deposit shall have been made by a married woman, may repay
the same on her own receipt.
Deposits by
minors and
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
"from the date of its passage.
Approved April 6th, 1894.
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Burkittsville, in Frederick
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the citizens of the town of Burkittsville, in
Frederick County, be and they are hereby constituted a body
corporate by the name of the commissioners of Burkittsville.
and by that name may sue and be sued, and have and use a
common seal.