upon the requisition of said officer of registration, deliver to
him one of the two duplicate registries of voters of said
twelfth election district, now in his custody, and take a receipt
therefor; and the said officer of registration shall, within two
weeks from the receipt of said duplicate registry of voters,
and on or before the thirty-first day of May, eighteen hnndred
and ninety-four, if practicable, accurately transcribe from said
duplicate registry of voters and enter in alphabetical order in
each of the two registration books or registries of voters for
precinct number one, the names of all persons or voters on
said duplicate registry lying within the limits of said precinct
number one, as hereinbefore designated, and into each of the
two registration books or registries of voters for precinct
number two, the names of all persons in said duplicate registry
lying within the limits of said precinct number two, as herein-
before designated; and on completion of the work, shall return
all of said registration books and the duplicate registry of
voters to the clerk of the Circuit Court for Frederick county ;
Pay of officer
of registra-
tion for
ing names.
and for said work of transcribing the names of voters as above
described and directed, the officer of registration for said
twelfth election district shall be allowed a sum not exceeding
fifty dollars, as compensation therefor, the same to be paid by
the County Commissioners of Frederick county.
Voting booth.
106 C. The board of supervisors of elections for Frederick
county shall provide a voting booth, such as may be required
by law for each of said voting precincts, and shall appoint
judges of election, ballot clerks and all officers of election for
each of said precincts, as is now or may hereafter be required
by law; and the election and registration law of Maryland
shall apply as amply and fully to each of said election precincts
as to any other polling place, election district or precinct
within Frederick county, except wherein they may be incon-
sistent with the purport of this act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 8th, 1894.