time for appointing judges of election and officers of regis-
tration, as is now or may hereafter be provided by law, shall
CHAP. 494
appoint judges of election and officers of registration for
said new district and make all necessary provisions for hold-
ing an election therein.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Governor of Mary-
land at the January Session of the General Assembly of
Judges of
appointed .
Maryland, in the year nineteen hundred and eight, and
biennially thereafter, shall appoint one justice of the peace
for said new district; and that the county commissioners of
Dorchester county, in the year nineteen hundred and six,
and annually thereafter, at the usual time for making such
appointments shall appoint one constable for said district,
and that the said 'County Commissioners, in the year nine-
teen hundred and six, and annually thereafter, at the usual
time for making such appointments as provided by law, shall
appoint a collector of taxes for said new district, and the
said County Commissioners shall make provision for having
the assessable property of the said Third or Vienna election
district, eleventh or Draw Bridge election district, Four-
teenth or Linkwood election district, which is embraced
within the limits of the said new district, transferred to an
assessment book for the said new district.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the residents of the said
Justice of the
peace, etc.,
new district shall have and enjoy the same rights of fishery
in the waters of the Transquakin and the Chicacomico rivers
that are possessed and enjoyed by the citizens of any other
district of Dorchester county.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the provisions of Sections
207 to 215, both inclusive, and Sections 217, 218 and 219 of
Enjoy certain
Article 10 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland,
title "Dorchester County," sub-title "Liquor and Intoxica-
ting Drinks," and all Acts or parts of Acts amendatory thereof
or in substitution therefor, in so far as said sections of said
Code, or the Acts amendatory thereof or in substitution
therefor, apply to the Third or Vienna election district of
Dorchester county, shall apply to all the territory included
in the said election district number Seventeen or Salem, and
be and continue in full force and effect.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1906.
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