CHAP. 87
Body corpo-
by the name of the Commissioners of Goldsboro, with all
the powers and privileges of a body politic and corporate,
and by said corporate name may have perpetual succession,
and by that name may sue and be sued, may purchase and
hold real, personal and mixed property, or dispose of the
same for the benefit of said town, and may have and use a
common seal, which may be altered at pleasure; the said
corporation may organize, proceed and act through its com-
missioners to be selected, as hereafter provided.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said corporation may receive
in trust and may control for the purpose of said trusts all
Funds vested
in said cor-
money or other property which may be bestowed upon such
corporation by will, deed or in any other form of gift or con-
veyance, for any general corporation purpose, or in aid of the
indigent and poor or for charitable purposes within said town,
and the said corporation may lease or otherwise dispose of
any property which may hereafter be acquired by said town,
having first given public notice of such lease or sale in one
or more of the newspapers printed in Caroline county once a
week for three successive weeks before such lease or sale.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the boundaries and limits
of said town shall be as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point
on the south side of the main road running from Goldsboro
to Sandtown, this point being one hundred yards east of the
center of the tract of the Delaware and Chesapeake Railroad ;
thence running west along the south side of the said county
road running from Goldsboro to Sandtown two hundred and
fifty yards; thence south in a straight line parallel with the
track of the Delaware and Chesapeake Railroad until the
said line intersects with the county road running from Golds-
boro to Baltimore corner; thence in a southwesterly direction
to the northwest corner of certain lots owned by Walter
Sapp, known as the Mill lots; thence along the southeast line
of these lots in a straight line until it intersects the Delaware
and Chesapeake Railroad land (this line being a continua-
tion of the last-mentioned line), which point is marked by a
cedar tree; thence at right angle with the said Delaware and
Chesapeake Railroad one hundred and eleven yards to a
point where it intersects the county road leading from Golds-
boro to Greensboro; thence in a straight line parallel with
the Delaware and Chesapeake Railroad track a northerly
direction to the place of beginning; provided, that no taxes