shall be levied by the Commissioners of Goldsboro upon the
real estate situated in the said town unless the same is
divided into lots of one acre or less in area, or has a dwelling
house or other building thereon, and then not exceeding one
acre if such land shall be taxed in addition to the buildings.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the first election for town
commissioners shall be held before Harvey L. Morris, Charles
CHAP. 87
W. Melvin and Marian Jarman, who are hereby appointed
judges for that purpose and for the time hereinafter named ;
and provided, that in case any of said judges heretofore
named shall be disqualified to act by sickness, death, or
otherwise, then the remaining judge or judges shall fill the
vacancy by appointing suitable person or persons from
within the limits of the said town who are duly qualified
voters, in accordance with this Act; and further provided,
that should all the judges heretofore named become disqual-
ified to act, it shall be lawful for any three or more qualified
voters in said town to give notice, either by written or printed
handbills, of an election to be held on a certain day, at least
ten days from the date of publication, or posting of such
notice under this act; and a majority of the voters present
at the hour fixed by said notice for the commencement of
said election shall select three judges and proceed to hold
said election for town commissioners as hereinafter provided.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That all persons who have
resided in said town for six months previous to the day of
ers to be
election and who are qualified in other respects to vote for
delegates to the General Assembly from Caroline county and
who are owners of taxable ' real estate within the limits of
the town of Goldsboro, shall be qualified voters at all town
elections, and shall on the first Saturday in May, 1906,
between the hours of two and five P. M. at such places as
Who are quali-
fied voters.
the aforesaid judges of election shall appoint, elect by ballot
five persons residents and qualified voters, and owners of
real estate in said town, as commissioners of Goldsboro, to
serve for one year therefrom or until their successors are
duly elected and qualified; and that such election shall be
held "on the first Saturday in May annually thereafter,
between the hours of two and five P. M. at such place as
the commissioners of said town shall appoint, elect by ballot
five persons, residents and qualified voters of and owners of
real estate in said town, as commissioners of Goldsboro.
ers to be