36 A. The board of estimates shall have the power to
increase or decrease the salaries of all municipal officials,
CHAP. 469
and other persons whose salaries are named in this article
or Acts relating to the city of Baltimore, except the salaries
of the members of the board of estimates; provided, the
amount of such increase or decrease shall be inserted as an
item or items in the ordinance of estimates for any year and
be subject to the same control by the City Council as it now
has under this article of the general items inserted in said
ordinance; provided, however, that when the salary of any
municipal official or other person whose salary is so named
shall be so increased -or decreased it shall not again be so
increased or decreased during the term of office of said
municipal official or other person.
33. The Comptroller shall be elected by the inhabitants
Authority to
increase or
of the city of Baltimore qualified to vote for Mayor, on the
Tuesday next after the first Monday in May, in the year
eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and on the same day and
month in every fourth year thereafter. He shall be a person
possessing the same qualifications as herein prescribed for
Mayor; the term of the Comptroller shall commence on the
Tuesday next after the third Monday of May in year eigh-
teen hundred and ninety-nine and continue for four years
and until his successor is elected and qualified, and he shall
receive a salary of four thousand dollars per annum, payable
61. The City Solicitor shall be appointed by the Mayor
in the mode described in Section 25 of this article, and hold
his office as therein provided. He shall be a member of the
Baltimore bar, who has practiced his profession for not less
than ten years in Baltimore city, and he shall receive a
salary of forty-five hundred dollars per annum, payable
86. The City Engineer, who shall be the head of the first
sub-department of public improvements, shall be appointed
City solicitor.
by the Mayor in the mode prescribed in Section 25 of this
article, and hold his office as therein provided; he shall
have control and supervision of the streets, highways, lanes
and alleys of the city of Baltimore, both as to their con-
struction, paving and curbing; he shall construct all sewers,
unless otherwise provided by ordinance; he shall be a civil
engineer in the active practice of his profession for five years,
City engineer.