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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 880   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 458

annually the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for every
dog, and the sum of two dollars and fifty cents for every
bitch, and the evidence of the payment of the same shall
be a receipt of the town clerk of Easton for the same, and
the number must be attached to the collar of the dog or
bitch; no one but the owner or keeper of any dog or bitch
shall remove therefrom the license number; all dogs and
bitches licensed under this section shall be muzzled by their
owners or keepers when required by proclamation of the
Mayor and Council of Easton; any one violating any of the

Guilty of mis-

preceding provisions of this section shall be guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and upon conviction before the police justice of
Easton district of Talbot county shall be fined not less than
three or more than five dollars for each and every viola-
tion, and be imprisoned until the fine and costs are paid ;
provided, that the accused shall have the right to elect a
jury trial. On complaint to the Mayor and Council of
Easton that any dog or bitch by barking, biting, howling or
in any other manner disturbs the quiet of any person, the
Mayor and Council on being satisfied of the truth of said
complaint shall direct the chief of police to give notice
thereof to the person or persons keeping or permitting to be
kept or remain on his or their premises such dog or
bitch; and in case such person or persons shall for the
space of two days after such notice neglect to cause such
dog or bitch to be removed so as to prevent the disturb-
ance, he or they shall pay a fine of one dollar for every
day which shall elapse until such dog or bitch be removed
as aforesaid; all fines recovered under said section shall be
paid to the Mayor and Council of Easton.

97 N. The Mayor and Council shall have full power over

Authority over
streets, lanes
and alleys.

the streets, lanes and alleys of Easton and may grant fran-
chises for the use of the same upon such terms as may be
beneficial to the interests of the town; they may exact license
from and regulate the use thereof by persons for the sale,
barter or exchange of any articles or who are engaged in
hiring vehicles of any description, or with them, are engaged
in transporting merchandise or other articles, or passengers
from point to point, for profit, the amount of such licenses
to be governed by the number and character of the vehicles

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 880   View pdf image (33K)
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