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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 879   View pdf image (33K)
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Talbot county for a period not exceeding thirty days; and
the sheriff of Talbot county shall receive and confine the
party so committed, and shall be entitled to the same com-
pensation therefor as is now allowed by law for the custody of
prisoners, to be paid by the Mayor and Council of the town of

CHAP. 458

Easton; if any person shall violate any of the ordinances of
the town, under its charter, by loud or boisterous talking,
cursing or swearing or using profane or vulgar language, or
otherwise in any manner whatever disturb the peace and
good order of the said town, or shall obstruct the streets or
sidewalks in any manner whatever, or violate any ordinance
relating to the market of the town, it shall be lawful, and is
made the duty of the chief of police and other police of said
town, and the sheriff or constables of Talbot county to arrest
the persons so offending or violating the ordinances as afore-
said, and take him before the said police justice, and upon
conviction of said offense the said offender shall be fined
not less than one dollar, or more than twenty dollars, with
costs, and in default of payment of the fine and cost afore-
said or security aforesaid, the party shall be committed to
the county jail as in like cases of default as is herein pro-
vided; all fines and penalties and forfeitures so recovered
shall be paid to the Mayor and Council of Easton, and shall
form a part of the revenues of said town.

97 M. No dog or bitch shall be kept or harbored or per-.

Violation of

mitted to run at large within the limits of Easton unless
the said dog or bitch shall have a collar about his or her
neck, to which shall be attached a license number to be fur-
nished by the town clerk, who is required to have the same
prepared; and the said license shall expire on the first day
of May next thereafter; and if granted for a part of a
year, a pro rata sum shall be charged therefor; it shall
be the duty of the chief of police or his deputies to dis-
pose of, impound or kill all dogs or bitches found running
at large in the said town, unless licensed as herein pro-
vided, in such a manner as may be provided by ordinance,
and he shall receive from the treasury of Easton the sum
of twenty-five cents for every dog or bitch so impounded or
killed; no one in Easton shall keep or suffer to be kept or
harbored on his premises any dog or bitch which is not
licensed as herein provided; the owner or keeper of a dog
or bitch in Easton shall pay to the Mayor and Council

License to be
Issued for
dog, etc.

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 879   View pdf image (33K)
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