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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 881   View pdf image (33K)
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97 O. The year for improving and repairing the streets,
lanes, alleys and thoroughfares of said town under this sec-

CHAP. 458

tion shall be reckoned from the first day of June, inclusive,
in one year to the first day of June, inclusive, in the next
year; every able bodied male person between the age of
twenty-one and sixty years, who has resided in said town
five months, shall be bound to work on said streets, lanes
and thoroughfares for two days in every year as the year is
herein defined, and if any person who is liable to render such
service fails to attend as directed on notice from the chief of
police, or who shall appear and fail or refuse to work and
render proper service as by the person or persons supervising
the work he is required and instructed to do shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before the police
justice for Easton district of Talbot county, or in the
Circuit Court for Talbot county, shall be fined two dollars,
and shall be adjudged to pay fine and costs and stand
committed till fine and costs are paid. At or about the first
day of January in each year, beginning with the year 1907,
the town clerk, with the aid of the Council, the chief of
police and other police, shall make out a list of all persons
who on the first day of next June will be liable to render
service, and as soon as may reasonably be convenient, this
list shall be delivered to the chief of police, and he shall
call on each person named therein to pay the sum of one
dollar. Each person who pays the same shall receive a

Every able-
bodied male
and sixty
years must
work two
days In each
year on
streets, etc.

receipt exempting him from service for the current year,
beginning on the first day of June following. Within five
days before the first day of June, the chief of police shall
make a list of the persons who have not paid the exemption
fee, and from this list the chief of police shall from time to
time call out persons for service, and he shall allow no per-
son to escape from the service. On or about September in
each year a second list shall be made by the town clerk,
assisted as aforesaid, including persons becoming liable to
serve between the first day of June and the first day of
December in the current year, and this list shall be delivered
to the chief of police as soon after the first of September as
convenient, and he shall call on every person named therein
to pay him fifty cents, and on such payment he shall give to
the person a receipt exempting from service during the
second half of the current year. Within five days from the first

Receipt to be


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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 881   View pdf image (33K)
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