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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 878   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 458

veyed by the owner or owners of the same, and the valuation,
if not received when tendered, may at any time thereafter be
received without cost from the Mayor and Council by owner
or owners, his, her or their legal representatives, and the
said valuation and the cost and other expenses of said con-
demnation shall be paid from the treasury of the town, and
the said sheriff shall keep said jury together for a reasonable
time until they shall agree upon and sign and seal said
inquisition; and in case it shall so happen that the jury
cannot agree after being kept together as aforesaid, the said
sheriff may, in his discretion, discharge the said jury, and
without further warrant from a justice of the peace, shall
within five days thereafter, summon another jury of twenty
inhabitants as aforesaid, not upon the former jury, and
proceedings shall be had in all respects as hereinbefore
provided; and in case of a second or other disagreement
of the jury the same proceedings shall be had until a
verdict of inquisition shall be made and returned as afore-
said; provided, that nothing in this Act shall be held to
authorize the condemnation of the plant or property of any
electric light, gas, telephone, telegraph or water company
now existing in the town of Easton.

97 L. All fines and forfeitures herein imposed for violation

Recovery of
fines and

of the charter of the town of Easton, or which may be here-
after imposed therefor by any law of this State, and all fines,
penalties and forfeitures which are now or may be hereafter
lawfully imposed by any ordinance of said town, may be
recovered before the police justice for Easton District of
Talbot county; and upon complaint made before him for the
violation of any such law or ordinance, the said police jus-
tice shall issue process in the name of the Mayor and Council
of Easton for the recovery of the fine, penalty or forfeiture
imposed for the violation of such law or ordinance against
the party offending, and may hear and determine the matter
and render judgment therein as in any case arising under the
law of this State, and shall receive the same fees therefor ;
and in default of payment of such fine, penalty or forfeit-
ure, or full and ample security for the same satisfactory to
said police justice, payable within thirty days thereafter, for
recovery of which judgment may be rendered by him for
such fine, penalty or forfeiture and costs, he may commit
the party defendant in said judgment to the county jail of

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 878   View pdf image (33K)
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