fire, whether houses to be built or erected in said town shall
be built of wood or other materials, and to prescribe in what
CHAP. 458
parts and sections thereof buildings of wood may be erected
and in what parts or sections of the same buildings of wood
shall not be erected, and to prescribe penalties for violating
said ordinance by erecting buildings of wood in parts or
sections thereof where the same are not allowed under said
ordinance; to require by ordinance that every person who
wishes or purposes to erect or add to any building or build-
ings in said town to make a written application to the Mayor
and Council for a permit to erect the same before beginning
work thereon, and in such application to set forth the
location, character, materials, purposes and uses of said
Material to be
used in con-
building, and to obtain, before beginning work on the same,
a permit, printed or written, signed by the town clerk, on
the order of the May or and Council, and entered at length
in the minute book, and by ordinance to prescribe the charge
for the issuing of the permit and penalties for erecting or
beginning to erect or add to any buildings without such
permit; to provide by ordinance for taking down and
removing any building of wood erected in any part or section
of the town in violation of an ordinance wherein the erection
of buildings of wood are forbidden, and for taking down and
removing any building erected without a permit first had
and obtained from the Mayor and Council; to provide by
Permit must
be obtained.
ordinance for establishing a building line for the erection on
the streets, lanes and thoroughfares of said town, or by order
in the case of particular buildings; to order the taking down
and removal of any house or building or chimney deemed
dangerous and unsafe by the building inspector hereinafter
provided for, and to direct the taking down of the same
without delay.
70 B. The Mayor, by and with the consent of the Council,
Building lines.
shall appoint a building inspector, who shall serve for one
year from the date of his appointment or until the qualifica-
tion of his successor. The inspector shall be notified by
the town clerk whenever a permit shall have been issued to
any person to erect a dwelling house or an addition to such
house, and it shall be the duty of said inspector to examine
the chimneys and flues erected for such building, and if not
properly erected he shall cause the same to be so con-
structed as to insure the greatest degree of safety; he shall
of a building