CHAP. 468
will be incurred or the benefits which will accrue to the
owners or possessors of any ground or improvements
for constructing, opening, enlarging or straightening in any
street, lane or alley or through any private property, any
sewer which in their opinion the public welfare or conve-
nience may require, and for securing to every such owner or
possessor the right on application within a reasonable time
to have decided by a jury trial whether any damage and
what amount of damage has been caused, or whether any
benefit and what amount of benefit has accrued to them ;
and to provide for collecting and paying over the amount of
compensation adjudged to each person to receive the same,
or investing in stock of said corporation, for the use of any
person who, because of infancy, absence from the town or
other cause, may be prevented from receiving it, before any
sewer shall be constructed, opened, enlarged or straightened
in any street, lane or alley, Or through any private property,
and to enact and pass all ordinances from time to time
which shall be deemed necessary and proper to exercise the
power and effect the objects herein specified. The amount
of benefit assessed on any property for constructing, open-
ing, enlarging or straightening any sewer in any street, lane
or alleys, or through any private property, constructed,
opened, enlarged or straightened by virtue of any ordinance
Lien on
passed by the Mayor and Council of Easton, shall be a lien
on the property and recoverable as town taxes are. No pri-
vate sewer or drain shall be constructed, altered, or repaired
without a permit from the Mayor. Before the Mayor and
Council of Easton shall pass any ordinance under this
article relating to the construction, opening, enlarging or
straightening of any sewer through any street, lane or alley,
or through any private property, notice shall be given of an
application for the passage of such an ordinance in one or
more newspapers of said town once a week for three weeks.
Before any commissioners appointed by any ordinance of
said corporation under the preceding sections hereof shall
Notice to be
given in
proceed to the performance of their duty, they shall give
notice in one or more newspapers published in the town of
Easton, of the object of the ordinance under which they
propose to act, at least thirty days before the time of the
first meeting to execute the same.
70 A. The Mayor and Council shall have the power to
regulate and prescribe by ordinance, as a protection against