CHAP. 79
religious, charitable or benevolent object connected with said
church that may be confided or entrusted to said corporation.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the said corporation shall
be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to establish,
Authorized to
and main-
tain colleges,
maintain, manage, control and operate colleges, universities,
schools, hospitals, infirmaries and homes, or asylums for
the poor, aged, insane and orphans, to engage in foreign and
domestic mission work, and generally to engage in any
benevolent, religious or charitable work or undertaking, of
any nature or kind; provided, however, that the same shall
be first authorized by the district meeting of the German
Baptist Brethren of Eastern Maryland, in annual council
assembled; and also that the same shall be under the super-
vision and control of the Baptist Brethren of Eastern Mary-
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the said corporation shall
Officers to be
have a president, a secretary and a treasurer, to be chosen
by said corporation from the trustees thereof, according to
the by-laws of said corporation.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said corporation
shall cause fair and regular entries of its proceedings, and a
Entries of pro-
etc., to be
just account of all receipts and disbursements to be kept in
a book or books provided for that purpose, and its treasurer
shall exhibit to the district meeting of the German Baptist
Brethren of Eastern Maryland, in annual council assembled,
at each annual meeting, a full and accurate account and
report of the state of affairs and condition of said corpora-
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That, at the first annual district
Trustees to be
meeting, after the passage of this Act, of the German Baptist
Brethren of the Eastern Maryland District, there shall be
elected at said annual meeting by those duly qualified to
vote at said annual meeting nine trustees to succeed and be
the successors of the original incorporators named herein,
the said Ephraim W. Stoner, Samuel H. Utz, Thomas J.
Kolb, Uriah Bixler and William M. Wine; and of the said
nine trustees so elected, three of said trustees shall be elected
to serve for the period of one year from the date of their
election, or until their successors be duly elected and quali-
fied; three of said trustees shall be elected to serve for the
period of two years from the day of their election or until