Levy special
One year, as a special tax for the housing, use, maintenance
and equipment of the Good Will Fire Company, the volun-
teer fire company now organized in said town, and for the
housing, use, maintenance and equipment of its successor if
said company shall cease to exist, the said additional or
special tax to be made and levied at the time of levying other
taxes for the use of the town on the annual estimate to be
furnished the said commissioners by the chief of said com-
pany and to be collected at the same time and in the same
manner that the other taxes levied for the use of said town
are collected, all provisions of law for the collection thereof
being hereby made applicable to the collection of said special
Money to be
paid to treas-
tax; all money raised by the tax authorized by this section
shall be paid to the treasurer of said commissioners, whose
official bond shall be liable therefor when received by him,
and he shall pay out said money only upon the joint requisi-
tion or order of the chief and president of the said fire com-
pany, and the said chief shall file with said treasurer annu-
ally an account showing the expenditure of said money, with
the vouchers therefor.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved February 16, 1906.
AN ACT to authorize and direct the Mayor and Council of
Hagerstown to refund to Rev. Edwin Heyl Delk, guardian
for Edward H. Delk and Margaret E. Delk, a certain sum
of money for taxes erroneously paid to the Mayor and
Council of Hagerstown by him.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown be and
they are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to
refund and pay over to Rev. Edwin Heyl Delk, guardian for
Edward H. Delk and Margaret E. Delk, the sum of ninety-
seven dollars and eighty-one cents ($97.81), being the amount
which the said Rev. Edwin Heyl Delk, guardian, paid to the
said Mayor and Council of Hagerstown for taxes on property
erroneously assessed to him by the said Mayor and Council
of Hagerstown for the year nineteen hundred and four.