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may recover the same by action in the Circuit Court or
before the justice of the peace 'according to the amount, so
awarded and may collect such award as other town taxes
are collected; provided that before the passage of any ordi-
nances requiring the whole or any portion of such sidewalks
and gutters to be paved and graded, or repaved and regraded,
and for the assessment of the expense of such work upon the
abutting owner, ten days' notice shall be given in some news-
paper published in the town of Preston, and if no newspaper
be published in the town of Preston, then in some newspaper
published in Caroline county, and an opportunity shall be
afforded all persons interested therein to be heard by and
before said commissioners.
Approved April 2, 1906.
AN ACT to Establish a State Board of Forestry and to
Promote Forest Interests and Arborculture in the State.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That there shall be a State Board of Forestry, con-
State board of
sisting of seven members, the Governor, Comptroller,
president of Johns Hopkins University, president of the
Maryland State Agricultural College, State Geologist, and
one citizen of the State known to be interested in the
advancement of forestry, and one practical lumberman
engaged in the manufacture of lumber within this State,
who shall be appointed by the Governor, to serve for a term
of two years, which board shall act without compensation,
save for actual necessary expenses incurred in the perform-
ance of their official duties.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That there shall be appointed
by the Board of Forestry, a State Forester, who shall have
State forester
a practical knowledge of forestry, and who shall be a trained
forester; his compensation shall be fixed by the board, and
shall not exceed $2,000 per annum, and reasonable traveling
and field expenses incurred in the performance of his official
duties. He shall, under the general supervision of the
State Board of Forestry, have direction of all forest inter-
ests, and all matters pertaining to forestry within the juris-
diction of the State. He shall have charge of all forest
wardens in the State, and aid and direct them in their work;