each owner or possessor ought to be compensated, or ought
to pay as compensation, and to provide for assessing and
levying, either generally upon the whole assessable property
of the town, or especially on the property of persons bene-
fited, the whole or any part of the amount of damages
which they shall ascertain will be incurred in locating, open-
ing, extending, widening, straightening or closing up the
whole or any part of any street, lane or alley in the town,
and for the collection thereof; to provide for granting appeals
to the Circuit Court for Caroline county from the decisions
of any commissioners whom they are empowered to appoint
by ordinances to ascertain the damage which will be caused
or the benefits which will accrue to the owners or possessors
of ground by the opening, extending, widening or straighten-
ing or closing up in whole or in part any street, lane or alley
within the town, and for securing to every such owner or
possessor the right, on application within a reasonable time,
to have decided by jury trial whether any damages has been
caused or any benefits accrued to him, and to what amount ;
to provide for collecting and paying over the amount of com-
pensation adjudged to each person, before any street, lane
or alley, in whole or in part, shall be so opened, extended,
widened, straightened or closed up; to provide for the col-
lection of the amounts adjudged to be paid by the owners or
possessors who may be benefited by the opening, widening,
extension, straightening or closing up, in whole or part, of
any street, lane or alley in the town, and to exact and pass
all ordinances from time to time which shall be deemed
necessary and proper to exercise the powers and effect the
objects above specified.
Section 27. The said commissioners shall have full power
CHAP. 293
to provide by ordinance for grading and paying, or regrad-
ing and repaving all sidewalks and gutters on any street,
lane or alley in said town of Preston, or any part therof, and
to compel the owners of the abutting property to pave and
grade, or repave and regrade such sidewalks and gutters,
and in case the owners of the abutting property shall refuse,
or fail, after thirty days' notice served upon such abutting
property owner or posted upon said property, the said com-
missioners shall have the work done and the material fur-
nished, and shall cause the town bailiff to ascertain the
porportion of expense chargeable to each proprietor and