take such action as is authorized by law to prevent and
extinguish forest fires; enforce all laws pertaining to forest
and wood land, and prosecute for any violation of such laws ;
collect data relative to forest destruction and conditions ;
direct the protection and improvement of State parks and
forest reserves, and co-operate with land owners, as described
in Section 4 of this Act. He shall annually deliver a course
of lectures at the Maryland State Agricultural College bear-
ing upon forestry and silviculture, subject to the approval of
the trustees of the college, and as far as his duties as State
forester will permit, carry on an educational course of lec-
tures on Forestry at the Farmers' Insitutes, and similar
meetings within the State. He shall act as secretary of the
State Board of Forestry, and shall prepare for the board
annually a report on the progress and condition of State
forest work, and recommend therein plans for improving the
State system of forest protection, management and replace-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the State Board of
CHAP. 294
Forestry shall have the power to purchase lands in the
name of the State suitable for forest culture and reserves,
at a price which shall not exceed five dollars per acre, using
for such purposes any surplus money not otherwise appro-
priated, which may be standing to the credit of the forest
reserve fund; and to make all rules and regulations
governing State reserves; and that the Governor of the
State is authorized, upon the recommendation of said State
Board of Forestry to accept gifts of land to the State, the
same to be held, protected and administered by the State
Board of Forestry as State Forest Reserves, and to be used
so as to demonstrate the practical utility of timber culture
and as a breeding place for game. Such gifts must be abso-
lute except for the reservation of all mineral and mining
rights over and under said lands, and a stipulation that they
shall be administered as State Forest Reserves, and the
Attorney General of the State is directed to see that all
deeds to the State of lands mentioned above are properly
executed before the gift is accepted.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the State forester shall
May purchase
upon request, under the sanction of the State Board of
Forestry, and whenever he deems it essential to the best
interests of the people of the State, co-operate with counties,
Plans to be
prepared for
protection of