feet, north 74 degrees east 340 feet, north 52 degrees east
144 feet, due north 290 feet, north 31 degrees west 1278
feet, north 30 degrees west 550 feet, north 33 degrees east
486 feet, north 29 degrees east 185 feet, north 53 degrees
east 243 feet, north 67 degrees east 250 feet to the beginning.
Section 138 C. Said corporation shall be governed by a
Mayor and six Councilmen, and that H. L. Pool, of said
CHAP. 285
town, be and he is hereby named Mayor of said town for the
two years from the passage of this Act, ending the first
Tuesday after the first Monday in February, 1908, and that
M. A. Browning, T. P. Winters and Benjamin Campbell be
and the same are hereby named and designated as the Coun-
cilmen for the first two years from the passage of this Act,
ending on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in Feb-
ruary, 1908, and that C. H. Pool, Joseph Pritts and B. F.
Fichtmer are hereby named as Councilmen to serve for one
year from the passage of this Act, ending on the first Tues-
day after the first Monday in February, 1907, and hereafter
an election shall be held on the first Tuesday in February
in each and every year for the election of three Councilmen
to serve for two years from the date of their election, or
until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified; and
an election shall be held on the first Tuesday in February,
1908, for the election of Mayor of said town, to serve for
two years or until his successor shall be duly elected and
qualified, and an election shall be held hereafter in every
second year for the election of a Mayor for said town.
Section 138 D. The Mayor and the Council therein named
Governed by
Mayor and
six council-
shall have power to pass all such ordinances for conducting
the elections herein provided for, or which may be hereafter
authorized to be held, and shall make returns thereof to the
clerk of the Circuit Court for Garrett county. And the
qualified voters of any of said elections shall be bona fide
male residents, shall be twenty-one years of age or over, of
said town of Kitzmillersville, who have been residents of the
State of Maryland for the period of one year, and of said
town for the period of six months continuously next before
the date of any such election; and that no one shall be
eligible for the office of Mayor or Councilmen of said town
unless he shall be a real estate holder or owner, or husband
of a bona fide real estate owner of said town; and the
Mayor shall have been a resident of said town for two years
May pass ordi-
nances for