to pay on the first day of April in the year 1906, and every
year thereafter, to the commissioners of Greensboro not less
CHAP. 284
than two hundred dollars, to be appropriated and used by
the commissioners of Greensboro for the repair and improve-
ment of the streets, roads and lanes within the limits of said
town, and for such other improvements therein as the com-
misioners may deem proper.
SEC. 36. And be it further enacted, That said commissioners
Repair and im-
prove streets
may whenever they shall deem it necessary borrow on the
credit of said town, by note or otherwise, any amount they
may deem necessary, provided, that said indebtedness thus
created shall not exceed at any time the sum of five hundred
SEC. 37. And be it further enacted, That nothing in the
May borrow
money, etc.
preceding section contained shall in any manner affect the
validity of any tax already levied by said commissioners, or
any ordinance passed by them or any contracts already
entered into by said commissioners with any person, firm or
body corporate, or in any proceeding taken under any of the
ordinances heretofore passed by said commissioners, but all
of the same shall have the same force and effect as though
this Act had not been passed.
SEC. 38. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 2, 1906.
Validity of tax
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Kitzmillersville, in
District No. 13, in Garrett County, State of Maryland,
by amending the Code of Public Local Laws of the State
of Maryland, Article 12, title " Garrett County," adding
additional sections thereto, to be known as Sections 138 A,
138 B, 138 C, 138 D, 138 E, 138 F, 138 G, 138 H, 138 I, 138 J,
138 K, 138 L, 138 M, 138 N, 138 O, 138 P, 138 Q, 138 R, 138 S
and 138 T, and to follow immediately after Section 138 of
said Article 12, and to be known by the sub-title
WHEREAS, at a meeting of the male citizens and resi-
dents of the town of Kitzmillersville, in Garrett county,