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person or persons shall violate any of the ordinances or by-
laws of the said, corpora tion by loud or boisterous talking, or
by using profane or vulgar language, or by immodest or vulgar
behavior or exposure, or by otherwise disturbing the peace
and good order of the said town of Greensboro, or by obstruct-
ing the streets and sidewalks with unnecessary assemblies,
then it shall be lawful, and it is hereby made the duty of the
bailiff and under-bailiffs of said town, and the sheriff of
Caroline county and any constable thereof, to arrest any
person so offending and violating the ordinances of the said
town, and to take such person before some justice of the
peace for the said county, and upon conviction for said
offense or offenses the said offender or offenders shall be fined
Fine imposed
not less than one dollar nor more than twenty-five dollars,
with costs, the fine to go to the use of said corporation; and
in default of payment of fine and costs as aforesaid, the
person or persons so convicted shall be committed to the jail
in said county until said fine and costs are paid; such
imprisonment shall not continue longer than thirty days, and
the bailiff and under-bailiffs of Greensboro are hereby
clothed with all the authority conferred upon constables by
the laws of this State, and are empowered to take cogni-
zance of all offenses committed in said town, as well as
those against the laws of the State of Maryland, as against
the by-laws and ordinances of the said town.
SEC. 32. And be it further enacted, That at the meetings of.
said commissioners, three shall be constitute a quorum, and
all questions submitted shall be decided by the majority of
those present; but less than a quorum may appoint the time
for a subsequent meeting and adjourn.
SEC. 33. And be it further enacted, That the said commis-
of officers.
sioners may appoint the clerk, treasurer, bailiff and other
officers, or either of them, from among themselves or other
inhabitants of said town.
SEC. 34. And be it further enacted, That they may in their
discretion exempt and release from assessment or taxation
from taxes.
any or all machinery, plants and property used in manu-
facturing, for such period as they may deem expedient, by
agreement or otherwise.
SEC. 35. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of Caroline county are hereby authorized and
directed to authorize and direct the treasurer of said county