manner, or having in possession any of the aforesaid game,
birds or animals within the foregoing prohibited periods,
and under the penalty of the same amount for each of the
aforesaid game, birds or animals so shot, caught, killed or
had in possession within the above prohibited periods; pro-
vided, that it shall be lawful to bring into the said county
any live game or animals and have the same in possession at
any time for the purposes of propagation.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That no person at any time shall
CHAP. 219
wilfully destroy, in said county, the eggs or nests of any of
the game, birds or animals mentioned in the aforegoing sec-
tion, under a penalty of five dollars for each and every
violation of this section.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That any dog or dogs that may
be found pursuing or destroying any of the aforesaid game,
Unlawful to
destroy eggs
of birds, etc.
birds or animals, or their eggs or nests within the aforesaid
prohibited periods are hereby declared to be a public
nuisance, and may be killed by the owner, agent or tenant of
the lands on which the depredation is committed, or by any
game warden of said county, and the owner of such dog or
dogs shall have no recourse at law whatever.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That no person shall trap, net or
Dogs may be
Killed found
game, etc.
ensnare any partridge, quail, woodcock or water fowl, or
have in possession any trap, net or snare with intent or
purpose to capture or kill any such birds or water fowl
under a penalty of five dollars for each and every bird or
water fowl so trapped, killed, netted or ensnared, and under
a further penalty of twenty-five dollars for the having in
possession any such trap, net or snare, and every such trap,
net or snare shall be forfeited and destroyed.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That no person shall trace, track
Unlawful to
trap, net, etc.,
certain game.
or hunt for any partridge, quail, woodcock, rabbit or other
game which may be tracked in the snow while the fields or
woods are covered with snow sufficient to permit such track-
ing; and whosoever shall be found traversing the woods or
fields with dog or gun, while the same are covered with snow,
as aforesaid, shall be deemed prima facie guilty of a viola-
tion of this section, and shall pay a fine of ten dollars upon
conviction thereof.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That no person in said county
shall at any time shoot, or in any manner kill or catch any
of the birds in the preceding sections of this Act, one hour
Unlawful to
hunt game
in snow.