CHAP. 218
Prohibit the
sale of liquor.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That it shall not be lawful for the Clerk of the Circuit
Court for Garrett county, Maryland, to issue license to any
person or persons, association or body corporate to sell
spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer at any place in
Garrett county, within five miles of Henry Station, on the
Western Maryland Railroad.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 5, 1906.
AN ACT to repeal all existing laws for Somerset County relat-
ing to wild fowls and game, birds and animals, and to enact
the following in lieu thereof for the better protection and
preservation of the same.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That all existing laws for Somerset county relating to
wild fowls and game, birds and animals be and same are
hereby repealed, and the following enacted in lieu thereof :
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That no person shall hunt for,
shoot, catch or kill in any manner, or have in possession,
Game law.
dead or alive, any partridge or quail, in said county between
the 15th day of January and the 15th day of November, or
any woodcock between the 1st day of January and the 15th
day of June, or any jack snipe between the 1st day of May
and the 1st day of December, or any dove between the 1st
day of January and the 10th day of August, or any wild
duck between the 1st day of April and the 1st day of Octo-
ber, or any wood or summer duck between the 1st day
of January and the 1st day of September, Or any wild goose
between the 1st day of April and the 1st day of November,
or any rabbit between the 1st day of January and the 15th
day of November, or any squirrel between the 1st day. of
December and the 1st day of September, or any muskrat
between the 15th day of March and the 15th day of Decem-
ber, or any fox between the 1st day of March and the 1st
day of November, or any coon between the 1st day of Jan-
uary and the 1st day of October, under a penalty of five
dollars for hunting for, shooting, catching or killing in any