given to bor-
row money,
and to contract for purchase in fee simple, or lease for a
term of years, renewable at their pleasure any land, real
estate, and to use and occupy forever, or for a term of years
any land, real estate, which they may deem expedient and
necessary for the purpose of furnishing said town with
electric light, the Mayor and Common Council of Union
Bridge be and they are hereby authorized and empowered
and directed to borrow money on the credit of said town of
Union Bridge, to an amount not exceeding thirty thousand
dollars, and to issue registered coupon bonds of said town
in payment of said sum and the interest thereon to accrue ;
provided, however, that the question of the issue of said
bonds and the aggregate amount thereof shall be sub-
mitted by the said Mayor and Common Council to the legal
and qualified voters of said town, at the next municipal
election in the said town of Union Bridge, on the first
Monday in April, A. D. 1906, between the hours of three
and six o'clock P. M.; provided, the said Mayor and Common
Council of Union Bridge shall give at least ten days' notice
of the time, place and object of said election prior to said
election, by publication in one or more newspapers published
in said Carroll county, and the said notice shall also state
plainly the aggregate amount of bonds to be issued for the
purpose of this Act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That at the said election in said
Election to be
town of Union Bridge a vote shall be taken whether or not
the bond issue herein provided for shall be made, which
election shall be held under the provisions of law now gov-
erning elections in said town of Union Bridge; and for
taking said vote there shall be printed on all ballots at said
election for Mayor and Common Council the words "For
the Electric Light Bond Issue " and the words "Against the
Electric Light Bond Issue," and if a majority of the legal
qualified voters shall vote in favor of said bond issue then
the Mayor and Common Council of said Union Bridge are
required to issue said bonds to an amount not exceeding in
the aggregate the amount or sum of money named in said
published notice of said election; the said bonds shall be
issued in sums of not less than one hundred dollars nor
more than one thousand dollars; shall have coupons attached