thereto for the purpose of the interest thereon, payable semi-
annually at a rate not exceeding five per cent.; shall each be
signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the clerk to the
said Mayor and Common Council, with the corporate seal of
said town affixed, and shall be registered by said clerk in a
book specially provided for that purpose. The Mayor and
Common Council are authorized and empowered to fix and
determine the length of time any and all said bonds shall
run, their series and the time at which any and all said
bonds shall be redeemable; provided, none of said bonds
shall run beyond forty years from the date of said issue ;
but if a majority of the said legal and qualified voters shall
vote against the issue of said bonds, then this Act shall bo
null and void. The judges and clerk at said election shall,
at the close of the polls of said election day, cast up the
votes and make certificate of the same in the usual form and
file said certificate with and return the ballots to the said
Mayor and Common Council, who shall announce the result
of said election in one or more newspapers published in
said Carroll county.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if the. result of said elec-
tion shall be in favor of the bond issue, for the purpose
CHAP. 216
aforesaid, the Mayor and Common Council of the town of
Union Bridge, be and they are hereby authorized and
empowered to issue bonds upon the credit of said town of
Union Bridge, as hereinbefore provided, and to sell said
bonds at such time and place, in such manner, at public or
private sale, as the said Mayor and Common Council may
determine; provided, that no bond shall be sold at a sum less
than its par value; and with the proceeds of said sale of said
bonds, to contract or purchase, erect or build an electric light
and power plant, for the use of said town; and to pass such
ordinances as may be necessary for the purpose of this Act,
and to manage and protect said electric light and power
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of paying
said bonds at maturity and the interest thereon, the Mayor
Bonds to be
and Common Council of Union Bridge are authorized and
empowered and required to levy such tax upon the property
within the taxable limits of said town as may be necessary
to enable them, in connection with the revenues arising from
said electric light and power plant, to pay said bonds and
Tax to be