ing to do the work, or to send the substitute, shall pay one
dollar for each day so neglected, for the use of the commis-
sioners of said town.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That any person failing to com-
CHAP. 195
ply with the preceding section shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor, and may be arrested and brought before some jus-
tice of the peace for Wicomico county upon a warrant issued
by said justice of the peace, in the name of the State of
Maryland, and upon proof of such failure, be fined one dollar
for each day so neglected and the costs of the suit, and in
default of payment may be committed to the jail of said
county five days.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
may establish building lines, grant building privileges and
Guilty of mis-
pass ordinances for the improvements of the sidewalks along
the streets, giving directions to persons owning property
bordering on said sidewalks concerning the improvements or
repairs of the sidewalks; and if the owners of said property
shall refuse or fail to obey said ordinances or directions, the
said commissioners may have the improvements executed and
collect the bill and costs from said property or person in the
same way as debts are collected in this State, and the costs
of said improvements shall be a lien on said property. The
commissioners of said town shall have power to condemn
and open new streets, lanes and alleys, and to alter, extend;
widen, straighten, grade, improve or close up in whole or in
any part any existing street, lane or alley of said town. All
benefits and damages done, suffered or incurred by the
opening, closing, widening, extension or improving of the
streets, lanes and alleys of the town of Willards shall
be determined and assessed by three disinterested per-
sons, residents of said town, to be appointed by the
commissioners of said town, and who shall, within ten
Building lines
to be estab-
lished, etc.
days after ratification of their appointments, take an oath
before a justice of the peace of Wicomico county that they
will faithfully, fairly and without partiality or prejudice
value and assess the loss and damage to be suffered and
incurred by any person or persons interested in the property
over and through which the said street, lane or alley is to
be opened, closed, widened, extended or improved, and also
to estimate the benefits that may accrue therefrom to any
property affected thereby, and that they shall, within ten
Oath to be