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days after such valuation or assessment, return the same in
writing under their hands and seals, with a certificate of
their qualifications, before a justice of the peace, as herein-
before provided, to the commissioners of said town, which
said valuation and assessment shall be ratified or rejected by
said commissioners within twenty days after return of same,
as in their judgment may seem proper; and before actually
opening, widening or altering any street, lane or alley the
said commissioners shall pay or tender to the person, his
agent, guardian or representative, the amount of damages so
awarded; and if any person shall feel so aggrieved by the
determination of the said commissioners in ratifying or
rejecting said return, either as to damages or benefits, or in
Appeal may be
any manner relating to the same, he, she or they may appeal
within thirty days from said ratification or rejection to the
Circuit Court for Wicomico County, and said court or a jury
may increase or decrease the amount of damage or benefits
so awarded and award costs in its discretion, and said judg-
ment shall be final; and it shall be the duty of the said com-
missioners to cause the papers connected therewith to be
delivered to the clerk of said county, on petition in writing,
of any party feeling aggrieved; and the persons appointed
to assess the damages as aforesaid shall receive such com-
pensation as the commissioners of said town shall determine.
SEC. 1.6. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of
said town may annually levy a tax for the expenses of the
Tax to be
corporation upon the taxable property within the limits of
the town, real and personal, and the same shall be collected
by a collector appointed by the commissioners for the pur-
pose, whose compensation shall be fixed by the commission-
ers and who shall give bond in such amount as they shall
prescribe; and the said collector in collecting the said taxes
shall have full power to distrain for the purpose in the same
manner as the collectors of the State and county taxes have,
but said tax shall not exceed twenty-five cents on the one
hundred dollars for any one year, and the basis of taxation
shall be the assessment as for county purposes.
SEC. 17. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
May pass cer-
tain ordi-
may pass all ordinances not contrary to the laws of this
State necessary to give effect and operation to the power
vested in them, and in absence of ordinances the law of the
county shall be the law of the town.