CHAP. 192
Birth certifi-
cates to be
their inspection. They shall also be authorized to require a
birth certificate or other record evidence of the date of birth
of any child, which they have reason to believe is being
employed contrary to the provisions of this Act, to be pro-
duced by either parents, guardian or custodian of said child,
and in the absence of such record evidence of the date of
birth of such child, they may require an affidavit from either
parent, guardian or custodian of such child as to its age,
name, place and date of birth.
11. That the Chief of the Maryland Bureau of Statistics and
Six inspectors
to be ap-
Information be and he is hereby authorized to appoint six
inspectors to carry out the provisions of this Act at a com-
pensation not exceeding nine hundred ($900) dollars each
per annum; they shall also be allowed their actual expenses
when away from the city of Baltimore in the business of
their office; they shall be attached to and be part of the
Maryland Bureau of Statistics and Information, and be sub-
ject to the order of the chief of said bureau, whose duty it
shall be to see that the provisions of this Act are enforced.
Farm labor
12. That this Act shall not include farm labor.
SEC. 3. And be further enacted, That all Acts or parts of
Acts inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby
Sum of money
SEC. 4. And be it, further enacted, That the sum of eight
thousand ($8,000) dollars per annum be and the same is
hereby appropriated to carry out the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 5. And be it furthur enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from September 1st, 1906.
Approved March 30, 1906.
AN ACT to ratify the increase of the capital stock of the
Baltimore Terminal Company; to change its terminus in
Baltimore County, and to confer additional powers, fran-
chises and privileges upon said corporation.
WHEREAS, The Baltimore Terminal Company is a corpora-
tion formed under and in accordance with the provisions of
Article 23 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland,
for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining a