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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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after, according to law, two Justices of the Peace for each
election district in Allegany county except that for Election

CHAP. 27

Districts Nos. 4, 5, 6, 14, 22 and .23 in said county there
shall be appointed six Magistrates at large and none others;
each of which Justices of the Peace in said Districts Nos.
4, 5, 6, 14, 22 and 23 shall be entitled to receive from Alle-
gany county the monthly salary of fifty dollars per month,
payable monthly, in lieu of all fees now receivable by Jus-
tices of the Peace under the law in criminal cases, or in
cases where the State of Maryland is a party; and the said
Justices of the Peace shall make a monthly report to the
Board of County Commissioners on the first Monday of each
month, setting forth an itemized list of all fines and costs
imposed by them against offenders, or whether the offenders
were committed to jail or elsewhere in default of such pay-
ment, in order that the Board of County Commissioners may
know accurately what fines and costs are payable to said
county by the constables in such district to whom all fines
and costs shall be paid by the offenders paying the same;
provided, that no Justice of the Peace appointed under this
Act for said Election Districts 4, 5, 6, 14, 22 and 23 shall be
entitled to receive said monthly salary, unless he shall make
the monthly report under oath as above required, and shall
maintain an office for the transaction of such business as
shall be brought before him.
179 A. It shall be the duty of each Justice of the Peace
appointed under this Act, in order to avoid the unnecessary

Justices of the
Peace ap-

multiplication of costs against the county, or offenders in
criminal cases when a complaint discloses more than one
misdemeanor to have been committed by the person or per-
sons complained against, to consolidate on form in the war-
rant to be issued as many distinct charges against said per-
son or persons as there may be misdemeanors complained
of, provided the Justices of the Peace shall deem it con-
sistent with justice to do so; and upon the application of the
defendant or defendants, if the Justice shall deem it neces-
sary, he shall grant a severance of the charges, and a sepa-
rate trial to each, but no additional warrant shall be required


179 B. It shall be the duty of the said Justices of the
Peace once every month to make out a statement of the fees
owing by the County Commissioners to any constable for

Statement of
fees to be
made out.

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 27   View pdf image (33K)
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