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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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ings, conflicting claims, refusal to accept, or any other cause,
such money cannot be safely and reasonably paid to any
person or persons, it shall be lawful for the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore to file a bill or petition in any court
of equity in the city or county where the property is con-
demned, or any portion thereof lies, and whenever such
Court shall be satisfied that, for any of the reasons afore-
said, that said Mayor and City Council of Baltimore should
be permitted to pay the said money into such Court, it shall
pass such decree as it shall deem proper, and the payment
of any money into Court under any such decree or order
shall be considered in all respects equivalent to a tender
thereof to any person or persons entitled to such money, and
who may be made a party or parties to such proceeding,
and upon making such payment, the said Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore shall be thereby released from all
further liability for the money awarded as aforesaid to any
person or persons who may be made a party or parties to such
proceeding as aforesaid; and in all cases when one or more
persons is or are entitled to an estate for life or years, or an
estate tail, fee simple, conditional, base or qualified fee, or
any other particular, limited or conditional estate in prop-
erty condemned as aforesaid, and any person or persons
is or are entitled to a remainder or remainders, vested or
contingent; or an executory devise or devises, or any other
interest, vested or contingent, in the same property, if all
persons in being who would be entitled to the said property
if the contingency had happened at the date of the filing of
the aforesaid bill or petition, shall be made parties to such

CHAP. 25

Providing for
paying into
Court of cer-
tain money.

proceeding, the payment into Court of the money awarded
for such property shall bind all persons, whether in being
or not, who claim or may claim any interest in the said
property under any of the parties to the said cause, or
under any person from whom any of the parties thereto
claim or from or under or by the original deed or will by
which such particular, limited or conditional estates with
remainders or executory devises were created, and the said
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall, upon making
such payment, be thereby released from all further liability
for the money awarded as aforesaid.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved February 27, 1906.

All persons
bound who
claim Inter-
est in said

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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