AN ACT to repeal Section 196 A and 196 B of Article 20
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title
"Somerset County," sub-title "Oysters," as the same
were enacted by Chapter 18 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of 1898, and Section 196 C of said Article and
sub-title, as the same was enacted by Chapter 375 of the
Acts of the General Assembly of 1902.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
CHAP. 19
land, That Section 196 A. and 196 B of Article 20 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title " Somerset
County," sub-title "Oysters," as enacted by Chapter 18 of
the Acts of the General Assembly of 1898, and Section
196 C of said Article and sub-title, as enacted by Chapter
375 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1902, be and
the same are hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved February 27, 1906.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 14 of the Public
General Laws, 1904, title "Bills of Lading, Storage and
Elevator Receipts," relating to warehouse receipts, to come
in after Section 11 of said Article, and be called Section 12.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new section be and the same is hereby added to
Article 14 of the Code of Public General Laws, 1904, title
"Bills of Lading, Storage and Elevator Receipts," to come
in after Section 11 of said Article, and to be called Section
12, and to read as follows :
12. Bonded warehouses of the United States, known as
New section
distillery warehouses, as defined by and existing under the
laws of the United States of America and situated in this
State, shall be deemed to be warehouses within the contem-
plation and meaning of this Act, and such distillery ware-
houses shall be subject to all the provisions of this Article
not inconsistent with the laws of the United States regulating
within the
meaning of
this Act.