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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1510   View pdf image (33K)
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and to make certain indexes of papers or proceedings therein,
and to procure from the Commissioners of the Land Office cer-
tain papers and proceedings affecting titles to land in Harford

county ......................................................
No. 800. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections
4 and 17 of the charter of the town of Kensington, of Mont-
gomery county, Maryland, as enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland by Chapter 621 of the Session of 1894, and amended


by Chapter 78 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1898.
No. 801. An Act to incorporate The Mortgage Investment Com-


pany ....................................................
No. 802. An Act to appropriate the sum of money herein men-
tioned to pay the claim of the Safe Deposit and Trust Company
of Baltimore, Executor of Isabella Tyson, late of Baltimore
city, deceased, for over-payment of collateral inheritance tax to


the State of Maryland on the real estate of said deceased ......
No. 803. An Act to add to Article 57, title "Limitation of Actions"
of the Code of Public General Laws, an additional section
relating to tax sales and rights and titles thereunder, in so far


as the same may apply to Prince George's county..............
No. 804. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
2 of Chapter 426 of the laws of 1904, entitled "An Act to
authorize and empower the Board of Public Works of Maryland
to collect the insurance upon State Tobacco Warehouses Nos. 1
and 2, and place the same to the credit of the tobacco ware-
house fund, and to either rebuild a modern warehouse on the
present site of Tobacco Warehouses Nos. 1 and 2, and the prop-
erty owned by the State adjacent thereto, or to sell said prop-
erty or lease the same for such sum as they may think right,
and build a tobacco warehouse in some locality of Baltimore


city selected by said Board of Public Works," ................
No. 805. An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Balti-
more county to reimburse William S. Cowley for money expended
by him in the construction of Walker avenue, in said county,
under the direction of the road supervisor and engineer


appointed to supervise said work ...........................
No. 806. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections
143 and 144 of Article 2 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Anne Arundel County," sub-title "Fish, Crabs and Terra-
pins," as enacted by Chapter 579 of the Acts of 1902, and to add
a new section to said Article under said sub-title, to be desig-


nated as Section 144 A ........................................
No. 807. An Act to provide for the appointment of Commissioners
for the revision of the laws relating to the subjects of the care
and detention of minors, juvenile courts, probation systems


and detention homes .........................................
No. 808. An Act to refund to James H. Stlgers, executor of Elmar
C. Thomas, late of Washington county, deceased, fifty-five dol-
lars and ninety-nine cents collateral inheritance tax, erro-


neously paid to the Register of Wills of Washington county.....
No. 809. An Act making appropriations for the support of the
State government for the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day


of September, nineteen hundred and seven ....................
No. 810. An Act to appropriate certain sums of money to the sup-
port of sundry schools and charitable institutions in the State



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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1510   View pdf image (33K)
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