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Session Laws, 1906 Session
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of Maryland for each of the two fiscal years ending on the
thirtieth day of September, 1907, and on the thirtieth day of


September, 1908, respectively ..........................
No. 811. An Act to amend the Charter and enlarge the powers of
the Elkridge Building and Loan Association of Howard County,
so as to enable it to loan money on promissory notes and bills


obligatory ...................................................
No. 812. An Act to refund to the Strasbaugh-Steckel-Hewitt Com-
pany of Baltimore city a sum of money erroneusly paid by it


into the State treasury........................................
No. 813. An Act to repeal Section 105 of Article 1 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title " Alleghany County," sub-title "Elec-
tions—Primary," as enacted by the" Acts of 1904, Chapter 508,


and to re-enact the same with amendments ...................
No. 814. An Act to appropriate a sum of money to the Board of


Trustees of the Fifth Regiment Armory ......................
No. 815. An Act to enlarge and extend the powers of Citizens'
Savings Bank of Thurmont, Frederick county, Maryland, and


to increase the Board of Directors of the same ................
No. 816. An Act to authorize and empower the School Commis-
sioners of Montgomery county, Maryland, to build a new
school building in Clarksburg of said county, and to purchase a


new site for said building.................................
No. 817. An Act to repeal Section 9 of Chapter 199 of the Acts of
the General Assembly of Maryland for the Session of 1904,
entitled "An Act to create the office of Treasurer for Charles
county, and to provide for the Collection of Taxes therein," and
to re-enact the same with amendments, and to add a new sec-


tion to said Act, to be known as Section 10 ....................
No. 818. An Act making appropriations for the support of the
State government for the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth


day of September, nineteen hundred and eight.................

No. 819. An Act to add an additional section to Article 11 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Frederick
County," sub-title "Orphans' Court," to come after Section
395, and to be designated Section 395 A, and providing mileage


to be paid to the judges of said court...................... . .
No. 820. An Act to incorporate the Planters and Traders' Bank of


Maryland ....................................................

No. 821. (Duplicate of Chapter 566.) An Act to modify, with the
consent of the Board of Estimates, for a period of years, the
park tax, that may in certain events become payable by the
United Railways and Electric Company of Baltimore upon the
gross receipts that may in certain events be derived by it from
the use by it for its corporate purposes of certain roads, pro-
posed to be acquired and opened as public highways by the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in the Annex ; to authorize
the Board of Estimates, in its discretion, to giant, in certain
events, to said company, the franchise or right of using said
roads for its corporate purpose in perpetuity, and to modify in
certain respects, in relation to said roads, the present powers
of the Board of Estimates in the matter of fixing the compen-


sation for franchises or rights in public property ..............


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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1511   View pdf image (33K)
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